Gefeiert wurde das natürlich mit einer Parade Downtown.

POW-MIA= Prisoner of War - Missing in Action

Es war wieder sehr emotional, denn die Ehrerbietung die
den Veteranen zuteil wird hier in den USA ist unglaublich.
Immer wieder scherten Teilnehmer der Parade aus, um den
Veteranen am Strassenrand Ihren Respekt zu zollen. Der
älteste Veteran war 98 Jahre alt.
A special ceremony was be held to dedicate the Five Points roundabout and raise the American flag there for the first time.
State of Florida and city of Sarasota flags will also fly in the center of the roundabout.
Five Points has long been tied in with military veterans. During World War I, Sarasota pioneer Bertha Palmer donated a flag to fly there, and when the war veterans returned to Sarasota, Palmer had a message placed on a sign at Five Points that read “Welcome home buddies.”
That same message can be seen today in the bricks at the center of the Five Points roundabout.

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